Ten Things that Make Me Happy:
1. Students who make gorgeous observations about the work we’re doing (one student, today, pointed out a scene in The Last Samurai that I never thought anyone would see). These moments are often unexpected, and they always geek me right out.
2. Having Mr. Chili come home early and proclaim that he wants to go out for dinner! YAY!
3. New t.v. on my TiVo. I’ve resisted watching Son’s of Anarchy until I can have at least two episodes in my queue. The next episode airs tonight. Guess what I’LL be doing tomorrow night…
4. Flowers. I brought home a bunch of flowers from a trip to Trader Joe’s the other day, and they make me smile. I’ve also got a little blossom on my goldfish plant; coming downstairs in the morning and finding a new flower on one of my houseplants lends a lot of light to my day.
5. Positive feedback. I’m getting a LOT of support from the director of CHS, and that goes a long way to helping me love my job. My co-workers (well, all but one) totally frickin’ ROCK. Also, I sent out a “Hi, I’m your young person’s English teacher” email to parents this morning, and so far I’ve gotten two very positive responses. Woot!
6. The latest Outlander book! A month or so ago, I called my local library and asked for them to order the book (and to put me at the top of the list when it came in). I got the email this morning and picked up the book this afternoon. I’m not going to get a damned thing done for the next three days, I just know it…
7. New music. In the last few days, I’ve downloaded new Rob Thomas, Dave Matthews Band, and Vertical Horizon records. Woot!
8. Text messages from people who love me. No particular reasons, nothing important to say, just that I was thinking of you and wanted to tell you so. Mmmmm!
9. People who are smarter than I. I’m not intimidated by people who are smarter than I am because they make me think, and they teach me things. I try very hard to surround myself with people who are wicked smaht. “Every man is my superior in that I may learn from him” -Thomas Carlyle
10. Homemade yummies. I’ve got a pan of mac and cheese ready for dinner tomorrow night, and I’m contemplating a batch of lemon poppy seed muffins for tomorrow. Mmmmm.
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