Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Documenting a good day :)

Tuesday, 11:00 am

Today I feel GOOD! …. Not GREAT, and not 100%, but GOOD and I’m so grateful and excited because GOOD is so much better than CRAP.

I’m like a kid in a candy store today:) I’m not sure where to start or what to do first! I feel motivated and itching to do so many things but i’m very aware now that beans are limited and not to waste them all at once. I would love to get stuck into the gardening but i’m nervous about that, all that digging and pruning might wear me out. My Tuesday appointment  has been moved to tomorrow so I have to make sure to still have enough beans to do that tomorrow afternoon.

11am and already I have tidied up a bit about the house, changed the sheets on my bed, done two loads of washing, washed the dishes, packed away the heaters as well as some brain-thinking stuff like changing my online banking settings and organising my study schedule for my new subject. Things like that can only get done on good days when i’m thinking clearly and can focus! It helps to make lots of lists on days like this too, plan everything ahead of time so that if i hit a patch of bad days again, at least my to-do lists are there in front of me to remind me how to live my life;)

Symptoms on this ‘good’ day:

  • slight cough and sore throat
  • bit sleepy
  • little bit achy, some twinges in my calf muscles (bit worse after school pick up walk)
  • very cold hands and feet
  • a little bit nauseous and dizzy on the walk to school this morning but has gone away
  • a few bad nerve twinges while I was resting after school pick up

Noticeable improvements

  • less muscle pain, almost no joint pain
  • no immediate pain / fatigue after the school walk
  • woke feeling more alert and awake
  • more strength in my legs arms & wrists
  • feel positive and motivated
  • feel like ‘me’, almost back to normal
  • lymph nodes in my armpits, neck and groin have reduced noticeably

Tuesday 5:30 pm

Since last writing, I did more washing, a bit of gardening (i couldn’t resist!), packed up my study ready for re-arranging, ate some healthy lunch then had a nap! I was a bit worn out from all the excitement After picking the kids up from school I had another lie down while zo read me her school reader, then we spent the afternoon out in the yard. Which was nice:) I did some more gardening, a bit of mowing, watered the ‘herb’ (mint & chive) garden, got in all the dry washing and helped zo collect a huge bowl full of mulberries. It was good fun – we got an old sheet and spread it under the tree then shook it like crazy and collected up all the ripe berries that fell down. I have some pastry out for zo to experiment with, she’s making some sort of concoction with mulberries and cream yumm:) Tonight Is Gnocchi with Zucchini & Chicken in a tomato sauce for dinner. (i’m extra excited about this because Tuesday night is usually pizza night as I’m feeling so revolting and can’t think clearly enough or stay upright long enough to cook … i’m cooking tonight yay!!)

I’ve been trying to think why I’m feeling so much better today, sometimes it all feels so maddeningly random! I did have 1.5 hours rest after work  yesterday which i think really helped and having that rest meant that I was able to cook a really good meal which I’m sure helped too. I guess I had a pretty restful weekend – it was busy but i was sitting down most of the time and even had a lie down in the afternoon on father’s day at grandma’s house! Grandma went for her lie down, Mumsy had a rest because she’s just had surgery and I had a lie down on the sofa too – what a wild bunch we are !!! The girls have also been helping out A LOT which is a huge help too. I have stopped drinking coffee (again;) and started the Magnesium and Calcium supplements.

Well, I’m off to cook now, still grinning like a fool and loving feeling slightly more ‘normal’ if only for a day.


[Via http://littleweirdy.wordpress.com]

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