Thursday, September 10, 2009

Cook with me...

Don’t know if anyone will actually do this, but I’d LOVE to hear about someone elses experiences with the same things I’m cooking in school.

If you’d like to cook with me, try out this recipe!

Tonight’s dishes include: Black bean soup, vatapa, and matambre with chimichurri

(I’ll include the recipe for the black bean soup below and should anyone want the others, just let me know!)




Black bean soup


2 c black beans

t/t s&p

A/N Bean liquor

A/N Chicken stock

2T Annatto oil (or whatever oil you have on hand)

1C onions, minced

2 t garlic, minced

8oz ham, minced

1 ea tomato, concassee

1T malt vinegar

1/2 t cumin, toasted & ground

T/T black pepper



1) (After soaking) Wash the beans and transfer to a saucepan. Add salt and water to cover.

2) Cook until tender (approximately 2 hours)

3) Drain beans and reserve cooking liquid. Add enough chicken stock to desired yield (recipe yields 4-6 servings)

4) Heat annatto oil & saute onions and garlic, add ham, tomatoes, vinegar, cumin, and pepper and cook until sauce consistency

5) Combine one cup of beans (and mixture from #4) and one cup of liquid at a time in a blender until completely pureed, while reserving about 1/4 of the whole beans

6) Combine puree and whole beans and stir. Adjust seasoning with salt & pepper if necessary. Serve hot.


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