Wednesday found us homebound. After our day of wake on Tuesday, it was well needed.
Along with random emotional outbursts, these days, I’ve noticed that Miss Q is itching to be helpful. In order to channel this new world of helpfulness; and since Miss Q has always loved helping in the kitchen – dumping in ingredients, decorating, licking the beaters; I opened our kitchen for business.
No, she didn’t wash dishes, or scrub the oven- even though her little hands would be excellent for fiddly work. Miss Q helped me make Moroccan Chicken Soup and Strawberry Raspberry Crisp (for the latter, by ‘help’ I mean eat the berries).
It was a great hour of cooking with my sous chef while Miss S slept soundly in the Ergo. She fetched ingredients out of the fridge for me, dumped, stirred, and, of course, tasted. It always amazes me how confident she is in the kitchen; though she still runs when I turn on the dust-buster or mixer; and I cringe when she declares she can, “pour it myself.”
While waiting for the crisp to bake, Miss Q helped change her first diaper. How excited was she when I let her pull back the tape, “Ooh this is a good surprise,” she declared. (Fortunately it was a good surprise and not a stinky one.)
For her part, Miss S giggled and squirmed as she waited for Miss Q to pick the right diaper and outfit for her to wear – Miss S is Miss Q’s biggest fan.
Once the crisp exited the oven, we piled Miss Q’s bike into the back of the car and cruised to the muddy parking lot for a ride with her friends. (Miss Q was content to splash in the puddles this time – with her boots. No bike riding for her.)
We came home muddy and pink from the rather cold afternoon breeze. Good ol’ Victoria: the sun in the winter makes you think it’s warm, until you walk outside into the wind. Fortunately there was soup accompanied by Daddy’s biscuits and yummy crisp to warm our bones.
Days like this feed your soul and remind you to breathe.
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